FAQ of Alibaba IPP Platform

Part1    IPR


Mainland China

  • How to submit the trademark information registered in mainland China?
  • Can I upload the copy of the trademark registration certificate?
  • What is the trademark class page? If the trademark registration certificate has a separate page for trademark class, do I need to upload all the pages?
  • How to fill in the name of the trademark you submitted?
  • How to fill in the registrant of the trademark you submitted?
  • How to fill in the registrant of the trademark if it’s still pending assignment?
  • How to choose the class(es) of goods/service of the trademark I submitted?
  • Can the《商标申请受理通知书》(Notice of Acceptance of Trademark Application) be used in support of trademark claim?
  • How to submit IPR if we have several IPRs?
  • My WIPO trademark registration certificate has designated China, why do I still need to submit a certificate of territorial extension to China of the trademark?
  • How to choose the expiration date of the trademark you submitted?
  • How to submit the brand information related to the trademark you submitted?
  • When should I provide trademark renewal certificate?
  • When should I provide trademark assignment certificate?
  • When should I provide certificate of change of trademark registration?
  • I have several IPRs, can I submit all of them together?
  • What is the requirement to submit the identification document of rights holder?
  • What is the power of attorney or other proof of authorization for IPR enforcement? How to prepare and submit this document?
  • Why do I need to provide English/Chinese translation of the non-English/Chinese document?
  • Hong Kong,China

  • Coming soon

  • Taiwan,China

  • Coming soon

  • Others

  • How to submit the trademark information registered outside of China?
  • How to choose the class(es) of goods/services of the trademark I submitted?
  • How to submit the brand information related to the trademark you submitted?
  • How to prepare and submit the power of attorney or other proof of authorization for IPR enforcement?
  • Other FAQs about trademark registered outside of China?

  •   Copyright

      How to submit the copyrighted works for Software or other types of works registered in mainland China?

      How to submit the copyrighted video works?

      How to submit the copyright information of publications (books, video products, etc.)?

      How to submit the copyright information for our photographic works on the official website?
  • When do I need to upload the authorization statement to prove I have been authorized to publish the copyrighted work?
  • What is a DMCA notice?
  • How can I submit a DMCA notice?
  •   Patent

    Part2    Complaint

    1. Website about taobao.com, tmall.com, tmall.global, 1688.com

  • How to submit trademark complaint?
  • What is Test buy?
  • What does Counterfeit Features refer to?
  • What does Obvious Counterfeit refer to?
  • What does “Seller admits to counterfeiting on Trade Manager chat tool”refer to?
  • What does Concealing Trademark refer to?
  • What does “Free riding” refer to?
  • What does the complaint reason of "Unfair use of registered trademark” refer to?
  • What does “Other trademark infringement”refer to?
  • What is the difference between the two complaint types of product listings and store fronts?
  • What are the format requirements for submitting infringing listings?
  • What does judicial or administrative decisions refer to?
  • What are the format requirements for evidence of infringement?
  • What to submit in the field “Supplement infringement reason(s)”?
  • I am the complainant, how can I follow up on the status of my complaint after submission?
  • How to increase the chances of success of complaints?
  • My trademark information has passed the verification, but why I cannot choose the trademark information to submit trademark complaints?
  • Why some infringing listings cannot pass the automatic system verification after I click “Verify listing(s)” button?
  • Does it constitute trademark infringement where a seller, without my authorization, sells my products?
  • Can I provide other buyer’s feedback as the supporting evidence?
  • Does it constitute trademark infringement where a seller sell our brand products at a lower or higher price than our standard price?
  • What does it mean when the products subject to a complaint do not fall into the scope of goods/services covered and protected by my trademark registration?
  • Why is my complaint withdrawn automatically?
  • Why are some product URLs still valid online after complaints have been processed?

  •   Patent

    【General FAQ of Patent Complaint】

    【Specific FAQ for each complaint reason】

    2、Website about aliexpress.com,alibaba.com

    Coming soon