How to submit the copyright information registered in mainland China?

Step 1: Please go to IPR Submission page.

Please visit Alibaba IPP Platform at the address and sign in your IPP account and move to User Center;

Please click “IPR Submission” button and go to IPR Submission page;

Step 2: Please choose the IPR type.

Please choose “Copyright”.

Step 3: Please choose the place of IPR registration

If your copyright is registered in mainland China, please click drop-down button and select “Mainland China”.

Please click “Save Draft” to save the information you submitted and then click “Next”button to move on.

Step 4: Please provide the basic information of your copyright.

1. If you have the copyright registration certificate issued by National Copyright Administration of the PRC, please choose “Yes”.

2. Please upload a scanned color copy or digital photo of your original software registration certificate. If the copy of your software registration certificate is in black and white, please affix the seal or chop of the registrant (for entity registrant) or sign (for individual registrant) on the black and white copy and provide a digital photo of the sealed/chopped or signed copy.
(You may refer to the template of software registration certificate issued by the National Copyright Administration of the PRC).

Fig. template of software registration certificate

3. Please choose the type of copyright work as Software and other types of works and fill in the details of your copyright according to the information indicated in your software registration certificate you have uploaded (see fig.1 and fig2).

Fig 1. basic copyright information

Fig 2. Sample of software registration certificate

4. Please upload the screenshot of the operational page of the software, including the information of copyright ownership (see fig 3 and 4).

Fig 3. The location of uploading screenshot of the operational page of the software

Fig 4. a sample screenshot of the operational page of the software

5. Please click “Save Draft” or “Submit for verification” button to submit the verification request of your copyright information. You may click “Add IPR” to submit more IPR information or review IPR Management once you submit the verification request successfully.

You may follow up the status of IPR verification request through IPR Management.


If the copyright holder’s name is inconsistent with the complainant’s name, the identification document of the copyright holder and the Power of Attorney are required.

Please upload the identification document of the copyright holder, enter the identification number and select the expiration date of the POA.

Please download and print out the POA template when all the related IPR information has been filled in. Please affix the official seal/chop on (for entity copyright holder) or sign (for individual copyright holder) the POA, and then please upload a digital photo or a scanned color copy of the sealed/chopped of signed POA. You may also use the POA prepared and issued by the copyright holder and please ensure that the right to enforce the IPR is explicated authorized by the copyright holder in the POA).

Fig 1. sample of software registration certificate

Fig 2. sample of works registration certificate

Fig 3. sample of timestamp certificate

Fig 4. sample of original works registration certificate

FAQ of Alibaba Intellectual Property Protection Platform