Step 1: Please go to complaint submission page.
Please visit Alibaba IPP Platform at the address and sign in your IPP account and move to User Center;Step 2: Please choose complaint website.
Please click “Submit a complaint” button and select the platform on which product listings you wish to file complaints against are among,, Tmall Global and example, please choose "淘宝网" if product listings are on 3: Please choose IPR information.
Please choose “Trademark” as the IPR type and corresponding IPR information based on which your complaint will be filed.Step 4: Please choose complaint type.
Please choose “Product listing” for submitting the notice-take-down requests against the specific products offered for sale on If your trademark has been displayed on the complained party’s store, other than on specific product listings, please choose “Store front”.Step 5: Please choose complaint reason.
Please click the drop-down button and choose one of the listed complaint reason based on the trademark infringement (see fig. 1). You may refer to the brief explanation of each complaint reason after you select one (see fig.2).
fig.1 complaint reason list
fig.2 brief explanation of the selected complaint reason
Step 6: Please submit and verify infringing listings.
Please paste the infringing listings to be complained of in the “Infringing listings” field. You could paste and submit at most 300 listings and each listing should be separated by a new line.Step 7: Please elaborate the reason for infringement and upload the prima facie evidence if applicable.
Please elaborate the reason for infringement in the “Supplement infringement reason(s)”field on why you believe it constitutes trademark infringement.