How to fill in the registrant of the trademark you submitted?
The registrant of the trademark is the rights holder. Please fill in the name of the registrant as indicated in the trademark you submitted. (see Fig.)
Fig. Samples of trademark registration certificate-Registrant name
If the trademark has been assigned or the registrant’s name has been changed, please fill in to the current registrant name as indicated on the website of Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry & Commerce of the PRC. You may refer to the instructions to check the current registrant name of the trademark through this website as below:
1. Please open the website at (You may choose the language as “English”).
2. Please choose “STMAS”and input the Application No./registration No. to check its status.
3. You may refer to the current registrant of the trademark, which should be consistent with the one you submitted under “Registrant of the trademark you submitted” section.